This paper presents an experimental assessment of the compressive and splitting tensile properties of rubberised one-part alkali-activated concrete under quasi-static and low-velocity impact loading. An optimised mix design, employing blast furnace slag and fly ash as precursors and anhydrous sodium metasilicate as a solid activator, is used as a reference. Rubber contents of up to 60% volumetric replacement of total natural aggregates are considered. Quasi-static tests are performed using servo-hydraulic machines, whilst the impact tests are performed in an instrumented drop-weight loading rig. Digital image correlation is used to get displacement measurements under both quasi-static and impact loading conditions. Three impact velocities of 5, 10, and 15 m/s are considered, giving rise to strain-rates in the range of 3–270 s−1. The quasi-static results show shape- and size-dependency and characteristically lower compressive and splitting tensile strengths with higher rubber content. The dynamic properties are notably influenced by the rubber content, with a higher ratio resulting in greater impact duration under compressive loading, reduced peak compressive strength, and reduced peak splitting tensile strength. The shape of the stress-strain response under compressive loading changes with rubber addition, showing two major peaks as opposed to a single peak for the non-rubberised specimens. The dynamic mechanical properties are also strain-rate dependent, exhibiting an increase with higher strain-rates. The rubberised specimens exhibit higher strain-rate sensitivity in splitting tension than compression, signified by higher dynamic increase factors for a given strain-rate and lower critical transition strain-rates. A higher rubber content in the mix also result in reduced critical transition strain-rates for the compressive strength, axial crushing strain, and splitting tensile strength. Based on the results of this study, analytical expressions are provided for predicting the dynamic increase factors for the compressive strength, axial crushing strain, elastic modulus, and splitting tensile strength.